The Game of Golf shall be played and bound by the Rules of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, the Central Gauteng Golf Union and under such Local Rules as may from time to time be stipulated by the Director of Golf & Golf Committee
Slow play:
The basic rule is that you are to keep up with the fourball ahead of you, or if you are leading the field take no more than 2 hours to complete nine holes. Halfway House is a 15min sit down meal and a complete round must take 4 hours 30 minutes.
If a group falls more than one hole behind it will be allocated two holes in which to catch up and receive a warning.
If after two holes the group has not caught up it will be given a final warning.
If two holes after the final warning the group has still not caught up it will be asked to leave the course.
Sand bottles/bags are compulsory for all players on Eagle Canyon Golf Course.
Local Rules:
The Local Rules are printed on the back of the scorecard. Any additional rules will be displayed on the notice Board. These are subject to change from time to time.
All Members or visitors are required to adhere to the dress regulations of EC Golf Club. These are displayed at all entrances to EC Golf Club and are subject to change from time to time. Any Member or visitor not adhering could be requested to leave the course. A Member is responsible to ensure that his or her guests conform to the regulations.
Suspension of play:
The Golf Director and/or Management and the Green keeper will decide when the Golf Course becomes unplayable. Notice to discontinue play immediately will be announced by a long continuous blast of the siren. Two repeated short blasts will announce resumption of play. Note: even in absence of sirens a player is the sole judge as to the need to suspend play when lightning strikes are visible. Due to heavy rain the course may be closed or if play is allowed carts will only be permitted to drive on the cart paths provided – no carts will be permitted on the grassed areas of the golf course until otherwise advised by Management.
Visitors are welcome at EC Golf Club. The Directors & Management, however, reserve the right to control visitors’ access to EC Golf Club.
Sharing of Clubs:
Sharing of Clubs is not permitted at EC Golf Club unless expressly allowed by the Director of Golf.
No practising whatsoever is allowed on the golf course. At no stage may a player play more than one ball except as provided under the rules of golf.
Caddy fees will be published on the notice Boards and can change from time to time. It is in the interest of golfers to only use registered caddies. Identification bibs/uniforms will be issued to registered caddies. A Caddy is highly recommended.
Handicaps are calculated as determined by SAGU. Queries can be directed to the Golf Committee. Members not submitting a score, in accordance with the rules laid down by the SAGU, after completion of 9/18 holes of golf will have a penalty score recorded at the next handicap provision.
Participants in club competitions are required, as a condition of entry, to complete the scorecard/scoring app correctly. Should any information not be on the card/app, the player/s involved may be disqualified.
All scorecards must be handed in within 15 minutes after the last group of the competition field has completed their round.
Scoring & Handicapping
Process for checking scorecards for competition purposes.
1. Open rounds before game.
2. Request golfers’ hand in a completed scorecard.
3. Check Handicap of player/s.
4. Check if correct allowance has been allocated.
5. Check id correct tees were used.
6. Check that the scores match the points or net score. 7. Add score total.
8. Add points or net total.
9. Ensure winners have entered their scores.
10. Disqualify any incorrect cards.
Condition of entry into competitions:
The Director of Golf, with the assistance of Golf Committee, reserves the right to stipulate conditions for any entry and if any Member does not comply, he/she is liable for disqualification.
All players must enter their scores prior to prize giving.
A pivot in a better ball competition is only permitted to win one prize.
An Alliance team missing one player or more will be allowed one designated “Ghost” player.
A fourball Alliance team with a non-handicapped golfer will not be allowed a “Ghost” player.
A “Ghost” player may not receive a prize.
The “Ghost” player will be player A from the first scorecard received in the competition.
Only Handicapped players may participate in the club competitions.
Count out rule:
Control of persons on the course:
All players who wish to use the course must first report to the Check-In counter.
Cellular phones.
The use of cell phones is not prohibited; however, players are requested to keep same on discreet mode and should the need arise to use their phones they should do so without disruption to other players or delaying pace of play.
Suggestions and recommendations:
These can be made in writing to either the Director of Golf or the Golf Committee
Guests of Members:
All Members are responsible for their guests’ dress and behaviour at all times. Members will only be permitted one guest per fourball for Saturday morning Member’s competitions. The same guest may only be permitted once per month.
Changes/Exception of rules:
The Management, Directors, and Golf Committee reserve the right to make changes/exceptions to rules under certain circumstances. These changes/exceptions will be notified to the Members.
Private Property:
At no stage may any Member or visitor enter any private property to collect golf balls. Any breach of this rule shall result in disciplinary action.
Motorised Carts:
Whilst using Motorised carts, the rules displayed in the cart and on the rental agreement are to be adhered to at all times. Golf carts are not compulsory. Persons under 18 years are bound by the ECHOA’s rules and regulations with regards to the use of carts. Golf carts are utilised at the renter’s own risk. Owners of their own carts will adhere to the same rules.
Estate Management Offices:
Country Club & Golf:
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